Friday, October 22, 2010

Help with lemon juice hair lightening/bleaching?

I was wondering if this really happened to work. I want to lighten my brown hair with some simple at home highlighting since I am only 12 and cannot get my hair dyed.

I heard that sitting out in the sun and applying lemon juice will help. Does it work? Or would I be better off using hydrogen peroxide? How badly will this damage my hair? If I condition afterward will I be better off?

Thanks!Help with lemon juice hair lightening/bleaching?
I did loads of research on this last year.

Hydrogen Peroxide is a very strong chemical that can permanently damage your hair and may cause it to fall out. Try and avoid using this!

Lemon juice is a great alternative! You can buy it in the bottle or freshly squeeze! I found mixing it with a couple of cups of brewed chemomile tea helped with the lightening of my hair alot!! I made this mixture (beware: it doesn't smell all too good) and before shampooing and conditioning my hair i poured it through my hair and then rinsing it and shampooing. Use a good conditioner after-wards and leave it in for a little while to help absorb all the goodness.

Using this treatment takes time, so be patient. I did this everyday for a few weeks and noticed great results! It does not have the same results as dying but still works very good. If your hair is dark this process may take a little while before you notice any huge results.

Also, this process may dry out your hair, so be sure to use a good treatment at-least once a week. Although some hair treaments/masks are not to cheap they work good. Or you could make your own. Banana hair masks are a great, in-expensive way to treat your hair! I like this one:

So are you up for the challange? Try and dedicate yourelf.

Hope this helped.Help with lemon juice hair lightening/bleaching?
Lemon and the sun really does work, just remember to not put the lemon juice on your scalp!

Also, don't use hydrogen peroxide, it'll damage your hair really bad.

Just stick to the lemon and sun :)

Please do not put hydrogen peroxide on your hair! It will most likely turn our orange.

Lemon juice can lighten your hair but not a lot. This isn't going to damage your hair at all.

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