i was thinking of using sun in but my mother ';misplaced'; it. she said to mix chamomile tea with lemon juice and spray it in my hair tomorrow. will that work?How can i lighten my hair tomorrow at the beach?
nnaa just pout lemon juice no need for that teaHow can i lighten my hair tomorrow at the beach?
pee in it and to lighten it real good u can add some poo
ok.......This is what you should do is to brush your hair out really good before you leave the house tomorrow to go to the beach lay a towel on the sand and lay your hair down like all together kind of like just laying on your back and just make sure you in the sun of corse so yeah. ha ha ha ha ha ha lol
Try this braid your hair . in about 4 to 6 braids.. depending on your hair and the length of it .....the more braids the more streaks...... then spray lemon juice on the braids and let it dry. Then Spray it again, do this through out the day... and then wash and condition when you get home......it should look great .... If you do this all the time at the beach by the end of summer beach blonde!
put peroxide in it
Lemon juice works really well. just squeeze a bunch on your roots and let it dry in your hair then when you are at the beach it will start to lighten within a few hours=) try not to get it wet bcuz that will rinse out the lemon juice. when you go back to your home/hotel or wherever your staying%26lt; take a shower and use a LOT of conditioner. The lemon juice drys out your hair but the conditioner will make it sooo worth your lighter hair=) o and btw dont use sun in bcuz i used it and my hair cutter lady told me that it can melt your hair if other certain chemicals got in it so just stick with the naturals
Put lemon juice in your hair and sit under the sun.
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