not for me...and my hair is light brown. it didnt get any lighter from lemon juice...its an urban legendDoes Lemon Juice Really Work?
It would make since if it did because of the acidicy.
i tried that once and i have medium brown hair also. i only tested a small part of my hair and it turned ORANGE! i know. i may work if you're going for that sort of thing but just mke sure to use a little and don't sit out for tooo long.
Yes, it works, but it's not that much lighter and it makes your hair super duper sticky and smelly for a while.
It does work, however in slow increments, and it may result in an orangey tone. It's the same idea as ';sun in.'; It also works if you spray it on, let sit for a bit, and then use a hair dryer.
Yea, lemon juice works. Sqeeze some and put it in your hair and lay in the sun for about 30 minutes.
actually am using it as alternative for shampoo...the effect, it will grow your hair faster, thicker, smoother and more black:):)..
it's also used as an alternative for dandruff treatment.
.....but used it while u lay outside, that i don't know
No, Lemon juice doesn't really work for me. I mean, it might work on differn't hair but it didn't work on mine. I have dirty blonde hair
lemon juice works different with alot of people
but yes it does work
so does vinigar but it smells bad
but it has to be a sunny day
the best way to apply it is to go out to the beach and run around with the lemon juice in your hair
lemon juice is cheap
just get a lemon and sqeeze the juice
dont get the pre juice lemon juice cause that stuff doesnt work
just use perxiode... it stings less if you get it in your eyes
just douse your hair and walk about in the sunlight till it dries compleetly... it will take 3 or 4 times to get really blonde
I have done research on this since im pregnant and would rather not dye my hair or bleach right now. I learned that yes - it does work to put lemon juice in your hair and lay out letting it soak but its VERY damaging as it absorbs all your hairs oils and dries so i would suggest that if this is the route you take, make sure you have an AWESOME conditioner you use daily all over (not just ends). I was told it could take anywhere from 2-6 weeks to see results with this method. Depending on your hair type. Shouldn't cost much - just buy a big container of lemon juice at a grocery store for like $3 like I did.
Yes, it does work. Put some in a spritzer bottle and spray lightly the first couple of times to see what you get. All hair is different. Use the amount that is right for you.
It actually does work, but the results are never the same, and it works bettr on lighter hair (obviously) but i dont recommend it for the sake of your hair tho
not really
but there's this product called Sun-in, you spray it through damp hair and then go out in the sun, if you have medium brown hair (like i did) then you will be blond within a few uses.
yeah, it works but the amount of time you leave it on depends on the shade you want your hair to be.
no acid does
yeah it does just you have to keep your hair in it for a while
hey, i also have brown hair and i tried lemon juice, it didnt work out too well... it just felt sticky, and i couldnt wait to jump in the shower. sorryy!
i tried that. and it like hardend on my hair
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