K so i have brown hair, which i'm totally fine with, but i would like to add some highlights without going to the salon. I've heard of the lemon juice one and the honey but i haven't seen very good results with that. If there are any home remedies you know it would be great. I know people always say go to a professional but if there was a way with minimal damage using things i have at home to lighten my hair i would be thrilled! Thanks tonsHow can i lighten my hair QUICKLY?
I know this sounds pretty far-fetched but a lot of face products bleach hair pretty well. Look at the warning labels for some face products and see if it says ';may bleach hair or clothing'; or ';may discolor hair or clothing.'; Hope this helps. Good luck.How can i lighten my hair QUICKLY?
lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, sun in
this will lighten ur hair...slather leave-in-conditioner all over ur hair and put it in a pony tail and go outside in the sun for like 30 minutes to an hour!!!!!
I would dye your hair a lighter colour if I were you.
lemon juice and sun... go out for a few hours, or try peroxide...
Their really isn't anything... Don't use Peroxide, It was meant for Developers, Stuff you mix in with Hair color...Put it on your hair alone..it'll turn your hair orange.
Sun-In is a Low volume peroxide..it'll turn your hair orange.
Lemon Juice may lighten it a little...But it can turn your hair orange..
Kay well use lemon juice in the sun
FYI- for lighter hair stay on sun longer
wear sun block
Hydrogen peroxide is the best way. What you can do as a test to make sure that it will work for you is: Take a section of hair that you want to lighten, make sure it's clean and dry. Soak it in peroxide, then go outside in the heat of the day and let the sun dry it (blow drying won't work, something about the UV Rays of the sun)
Stay in the direct sun until it's dry or it's the color you want. That should do it, but remember the color it turns depends on your hair type. I've seen black hair turn blonde and then brown hair just turn a shade lighter so it really depends.
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