also... what does lemon juice do to your hair? i want to get natural highlights... but not go crazzy light.. i have brown hair with gold in it. how much lemon juice should i use in my hair and what do i doooooo exactly with it though? leave it in? ... rinse it? let the sun lighten it..??!?!?! what?!Lemon juice? some questions?
Lemon juice stings because it is more acidic than your body. You see, things each have their own pH (phosphate levels, i think) and our skin is around seven, which is the perfect neutral balance between alkaline and acid. Both too acidic and too alkaline substances can hurt anything that is not close to their pH values, and skin burns because the acid of the lemon basically kills of the proteins in your skin, and somehow it sends pain signal to your sensors. This is not a good thing. I don't thnk you should try lightening your skin with lemon juice, because you will get flaky pink skin while trying, so just stick to sunscreen...
Also, with hair... Yes, it works. Just use a brush to paint lemon juice on some parts of your hair (adding cinnamon makes it even more effective) and go out in the sun, and if that's not available, just blow dry your hair for a long time, because it's the heat that sets of the reactions faster (quicker oxidation rate with increased temperature). It works, but beware, because your hair might get irreversably dry. But you do get a nice goldie shade. I tried :)Lemon juice? some questions?
first lemon juice doesnt help lighten your skin but it helps clear it up and for your hair all you do is put the lemon juice on your hair and then for like 5 hours sit out side and let it get all hard and crunchy and then rinse it out
good luck
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