im half black i have super curly hair it goes into like a triangle when it dries. it is really dark almost black but when im in the sun it looks reddish brown. i pu bleach on a tiny bit of my hair for about less that 1 minute didn't do any thing i want my hair to be lighter but i cant go to a salon i was wondering if i can put bleach on it for like a hour and would it change colour and to what colour, and for how long? my hair is not that long it goes 1 or 2 inches down from my shoulders and its not that thick its only thick when its completely dried and isn't in like a bun my hair is natural i have never died it.ever. i read that you can lighten your hair with lemon juice, could i use lemon juice? and how would i use it on my hair. ps i do not want to lighten like all my hair at first i would like to try a little part of it then maybe the restCan black hair be bleached?
Well considering that you have natural black hair yes honey you can bleach it (if you had dyed it I was gonna beg you not to). If I were you I would buy the bleach made for african american hair its more of a honey then a blonde, after you do that wait a few days then dye it the color you really want or it the honey comes out nice just leave it. Good luck.Can black hair be bleached?
Get nice bleach at a beauty supplies store. It most likely will turn out orange. I remember when guys used to bleach their hair unless they had lighter brown or already blonde hair it became orangish.
ok. My sisters Boyfriend Bleached parts of his hair (idk why, it was a dare and he lost.) he is black and it doesnt look too bad.
You should go to a salon.
hard to bleach it i guess
yea you could, but bleach can do A LOT of damage to your hair.
if your trying to lighten your hair so that you can dye it, then i recommend going to Sally's Beauty Supply Store and buying L'Oreal HiColor dye. it comes in a box with everything you need except the developer which is like 3 dollars.
anyway, the amazing thing about it is that even if you have extremely dark hair you can go very light by just using this dye. i've dyed my dark brown hair bright red plenty of times using L'Oreal HiColor and it comes out exactly the way it says.
its brilliant.
hope i helped.
Have you ever heard of puncuation? Second of all yes you could.
I'm full a full black chick, and I've used bleach.
Get this stuff called QUICK BLUE from Sally's Hair Supply. That stuff works really well on us colored folk hair. Leave it in for about 45 minutes to an hour (another thing we have to leave it in longer than someone who is white because our hair is so thick with lots of pigmintation).
After you bleach it, make sure you use lots of conditioner so your hair doesn't get fried.
It also depends on what color you may want it. For me, I dye my hair purple, blue, pink, green and all of the colors of the rainbow. Your hair WILL break off, but not much if you take really good care of it. Id get a professional, or a friend who knows about bleaching and dying before you try it yourself though.
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