hi i have kinda stupid questions but when you lighten your hair with lemon juice does it work imedeatly? also how much juice should you put on? does it have to be from a lemon or can it just be bottled juice? and lastly do you have to wet your hair with water first?Hair help!!!?
instead of turning your hair orange, why don't you just dye it?Hair help!!!?
this mostly works on blonds to get the hair blonder but for a Burnett I'm not really sure it works
you will proabably notice the day after you get out of the shower and your hairs all dry,
i think you have to use a regualar lemon, but i havnt tried it with the bottled lemon juice so idk lol
but the only problem is, is when your hair grows out it goes back to your natural hair color so it looks like you need to re-dye your hair or something
thats why ii stopped doing it lol,
so if you really want to try it, put the lemon at the bottom tips of your hair so see if it works or if you really like it.
dont be cheap, go see a hairstylist about getting it lightened properly.
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