i really want to lighten my hair... get it from a dark brown to a light brown colour...
will lemon juice work or should i combine with something else??
any personal experiences??How can i lighten my dark brown hair naturally?
Too much lemon juice will amke your hair dry so try this
2 cups water
2 cups chamomile tea
1 tablespoon of parsley
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Boil all the ingredients and let it simmer for 15 mins. Strain out the tea bags and parsley (make sure to remove all of the parsley) and let it sit till room temperature. Poor on to hair over a sink and rinse two or three times. Your hair should be smelling nice and looking lighter!
Trust me i did this one time and it already started to bring out my light blonde highlights (i have dirty blonde hair) Good luck!!!How can i lighten my dark brown hair naturally?
Spend a lot of time in the sun
Put Hydrogen Peroxide in your hair and then sit in the sun for a while
Please answer?
go sit in the sun for ages, and or with lemon juice mixed with water! it does work i did it last yeasr
please help me http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
Definitely the sun should help. My sister has dark brown here %26amp; it always gets lighter in the summer.
lemon juice and sun
Yeah put lemon juice in your hair and lay out in the sun is the best i know
Get out and be in the sun...allot but b sure 2 wear sunscreen :)
lemon juice or sunlight
Sunlight can lighten up your hair, or, if you know how to swim, just go swimming as much as possible, without a swim cap!
sun in would probably work. never used it but have seen some good results also heard that lemon juice does work altho i wouldnt want to put it on my hair n then fry it in the sun. just seems too acidic. hope helped a bit xx
go to walmart and get sun in it works really good and really fast
i loved it i went from a medium brown to dirty blonde
Sunlight I believe
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