my hair was a platinum blonde on top with black on the bottom. and i took the black out and bleached that part but now its kind of a red-orange-blondeish color it almost matches the platinum on top but not exactly. i dont really want to bleach it again from a box (even though that would work) so i need another idea to lighten/bleach it. p.s. i already know about lemon juice. i just dont have any lolHow can i lighten my hair to a patinum blonde color? like a homemade way.?
Buy Clairol Shimmer Lights - a Shampoo for taking brasiness out of hair. Every time I use it, it takes the orangishness out of my hair, and seems to lift my hair up about a shade or so.How can i lighten my hair to a patinum blonde color? like a homemade way.?
ash toner with 20 volume cream, good luck!
you can buy some lightening gel or make your own that what i do i just put a lil peroxide inf the gel you use on a daily or gel you like and it will lighten up but it will be a slow process
ugh i dont recommend it, but peroxide works.. it'll still be pretty orangey though.. you should just buy box color in a couple of steps, it's not that expensive and its better for your hair than homemade things.. even better, go to a salon.
I probably shouldnt be recomending this but,
I put about a 1/2 cup of bleack mixed with 3/4 cup conditioner and
1/4 cup water and mixed it and put it in my hair for about 40 minutes and my hair is now bleach blonde
Well if in the long run you want your hair to break off or fall off, have very dry brittle hair, split ends, and a dry scalp... fallow any of these directions that the other people put on here.
The only safe and correct way of bleaching your hair is to go to a salon. It's really worth your money because the only thing you're doing by trying to mix something up at home is damage your hair and/or scalp. And box color sucks b/c you don't know what you're putting in your hair since they change the formula every so often.
So just take your little cute self to a salon and have the professionals do it for you, step by step, and a lot safer. Hope you really consider this chic-a-dee!
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