I have pale skin and i want to tan. I burn when i am in the sun but it will eventually tan slowly. What can i do to make myself tan easier..any lotions? Going to a tanning bed in not an option and i tried sunless tanner but its all streaky and orange looking. Also, what can i do with my burns to make them turn tan instead of peel into white again
i have light brown hair but i highlight my hair with a bunch of different blonde colors. Can i put lemon juice in my hair to lighten it even with the fake color? Also, how long does it take for the lemon juice to work
thanks :)Tan skin and lemon juice?
i dunno about the lemon juice in the hair..i have heard it makes it lighter but ive never tried it myself..but i do know that if you squeeze lemon juice over your body and lay in the sun it absorbs the sun much quicker and you tan fastTan skin and lemon juice?
well the only healthy way to get the tan you want is to lay out and gradually get darker, or when you get burnt, it poses more of a threat for skin cancer. for the peeling, just keep lotion on it and get some aloe vera sunburn lotion to help cool the burn. for the lemon juice, it will work on your dyed hair, but you have to lay in the sun to get the full effect of the lightening
hope it helped
if you mix 8 lemon juice freshly sqweesed from lemons with a bottle of conditioner and dry it into your hair then wash it out your hair will become lighter ... if you do it enough it will get lighter .. i did it when i accidentally died my hair black and i did that everyday ( my hair was in good confdition after too ) and after a week my hair was becoming more browny x
dont tan in the sun
like dont just sit out there and burn
ur going 2 get cancer
either get a spray tan
or use jergens tanning lotion
ive seen it in a lot of like commerials and stuff
ive never used it b4 but it looks liek it works
good luck!
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