I have darkish brown hair and I dyed it auburn a day ago and put too much on top and it looks maroon on top. I think hair that looks fluorescent maroon is unattractive, and have been trying to tone it down by trying to lighten it with a hair-lightening shampoo, lemon juice, and bleach water, but they aren't working. Suggestions?How do I un-dye my hair?
Re-dye itHow do I un-dye my hair?
you could either dye it again or maybe add highlights.
There is some sort of hair salon thing where they scrape of the colour or something. i can`t remember
Here`s a good site to look at:
hope this helps.
Good luck : )
You can either dye it a darker color, or wait for it to fade on it's own. It has only been a day, it will fade more.
one way is you could use paul mitchel shampo, it strips your hair but it takes like at least 1 week to work. as you wash your hair the color will begin to fade you just have to wait:(
After something dies you can never bring it back to life!
Use higher concentrated bleach water.
Don't dye it in the first place it is bad for you and you dont want to catch swine flu.
I think you gotta just wait for it to grow out :\
unless you bleach it and redye it?
try using dish soap, like palmolive or dawn. it won't take ALL the color out, it will just tone it down a little bit.
use your natural color dye.
you don't un dye it.
you either wait for it to fade out.
or re dye it.
you cant you have to let it wear out or completely bleach that hair
You have to re-dye it.
die it again with the color you want
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