Sunday, November 21, 2010

Girls answer this?

hey girls this weekend i went to the beach with my friends and one of the girls named heather decided to put lemon juice on my hair. she dumped it on the top of my head so now the top of my head is light blonde and the rest is medium blonde but the lemon juiced lightened my hair on top. girls should i keep my hair with it? is it permanent? how can i get rid of it?Girls answer this?
LOL!!! I used to use it to lighten my hair. But, I combed through my hair and had highlights.

It will grow out just like any other type of highlighting treatment

Depends how bad you look... consider shaving your head if it's that bad. HA!Girls answer this?
Lemon juice bleaches your hair and if your hair gets bleached then you can't get the color back. But that sounds like it would look cool, I think you should keep it that way.
i think it permantent, but i would die the rest of ur hair that blond color or die it the color ur hair was before they did that
do what looks best
try soem oil on hair or were aa cap for acouble of days

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