Ok i have side swept bangs, and i want to lighten part of it..like a strip.
dont say its gonna be ugly because i saw someone else with it and it looked REALLY pretty.
So how do i create the strip of lighter hair?
i dont have- sun.
i have- lemon juice, hydrogen peroixde, foil, time, hair, and a blowdryer.
and dont say is gonna ruin my hair. it wont. my hair is exteremly healthy, it doesnt fall out, ive dyed it and bleched it before ands its still shiney, soft, and healthy.
my hair is also a lighter brown
pleaseee help!
best awnser - 10 points!ONE highlight with peroixide and lemon juice??!!?
I am a hairdresser and I have never colored hair that way. My advice to you is to cut a piece of your hair where no one can see and test this out before you do it so you will know exactly what it will look like when it comes out. Hope this helped!
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